A complete toolkit for attorneys and lawyers

Quick practice start for beginners, dozens of tweaks for experienced mathematicians


Electronic file has become a phenomenon of private practice and public administration.

Evolio will provide a complete filing system including documents, tasks, assignments and finances. You can get all the information you need about the case with one click in the list of files.


Electronic file has become a phenomenon of private practice and public administration.

Evolio will provide a complete filing system including documents, tasks, assignments and finances. You can get all the information you need about the case with one click in the list of files.


The electronic file makes it possible to record entities between which there may be links (e.g. opposing counsel). Each subject has its own separate card with detailed contact details (emails, delivery address, etc.) and a list of the files in which it appears.

Subjekty ve spise - Evolio


The most important parts of the electronic file. They contain related documents, addressees, statement of work and costs. When creating a job, the user selects a print report from preset patterns, Evolio can insert data from the file into them - no more overwriting.

Evolio - úkol sepis žaloby


The timeline allows you to quickly and clearly view the history of the file. You can easily filter by activity or name. Each point can be clicked on and its detail can be displayed. For example, you can open a data message and forward it directly by email.

Software pro advokátní kanceláře Evolio - Timeline výřez sepis žaloby


You can upload any number of documents to each file - PDF, Word or photos. Within a single file, you can easily create a clear folder system to help you keep your uploaded documents organized.


You can upload any number of documents to each file - PDF, Word or photos. Within a single file, you can easily create a clear folder system to help you keep your uploaded documents organized.

právník v cloudu - Microsoft word

Opening in Word

Creating documents is a daily routine for an attorney, which is why Evolio allows you to open a document with one click directly in Word. It doesn't matter how long you work on the document - once you save it, Evolio records all changes and sends them to the appropriate file.

PDF soubor

Revision of documents

Thanks to a sophisticated versioning system for each document, you can see which user made what changes, when and how. You can then download the specific version, if necessary, or file a derived document.

text svgrepo - evolio

Signature by certificate

The ability to convert a Word document to PDF with the option of signing it with a qualified certificate will undoubtedly save you a lot of time. You will appreciate this help, for example when communicating via data mailboxes.

Electronic mailroom

Easy to work with any form of mail. The e-Mailbox looks like a regular e-mail box, but it contains all types of mail - date messages, e-mails and regular letters.

Book of mail

E-post office does not try to radically interfere with the way mail is processed, it just replaces outdated paper records with electronic ones. Data sheets and e-mails are loaded into Evolio automatically, the assistants scan the paper mail and include it in the corresponding e-file.

informační systém pro advokáty Evolio- Více účtů

More accounts

For clarity and greater privacy, each attorney in your office has a separate mail account in the mailroom with a voicemail or e-mail address. You control user access to mail by setting permissions.

text svgrepo - evolio

Assignment to files

When matching mail with attorney files, it is possible to determine who should handle the mail and when at the latest. The user will then be notified of the new mail immediately after logging in (or can view it directly in the mailroom).

Vyúčtování - report


Financial flows related to individual files must be kept under control. Evolio makes your billing and finances transparent at the file and law firm level.

Group 4359 - evolio informační systém pro advokáty

Work report

A natural part of an attorney's file that is entered directly to the deed. Any number of statements can be assigned to one such action (e.g. a statement of claim).



They can be recorded on the file as a whole or directly to the action (e.g. travel for attendance at a hearing). There is no limit to their amount.

informační systém pro advokáty Evolio - Vyúčtování


It has its own section in the file. You'll find a quick overview of reported work, costs and the ability to create a new invoice with just a few clicks.

Software pro advokátní kanceláře Evolio - Merk - Datart

Integration with other services

A modern information system cannot remain an isolated island. Therefore, Evolio can seamlessly connect to API's of other systems.

Public registers

Evolio is connected to the Insolvency Register ISIR, the Register of Economic Entities ARES, the InfoSound service and the Electronic Payment Order service.

informační systém pro právníky Evolio - komerční služby

Commercial services

Other interesting sources of information include commercial Merk databases, various SMS gateways, telephone exchanges or the Slovakian QR code generator.

advokát v cloudu Microsoft_office_excel-evolio

Data exchange

Evolio Importer allows you to exchange data with partners in Excel or XML format. Smart column mapping allows smart users to set up the import themselves.

Try out Evolio in practice

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get your attorney files in order

Sign up today and get your law files in order