What does appreciate about Evolio on a daily basis400 law firms andlegal departments?
www.purelegal.czJUDr. Michala Plachká
PureLegal advokátní kancelář
https://www.arws.cz/Mgr. Tomáš Pertot
ARROWS advokátní kancelář
Za nás musím zcela s klidným srdcem konstatovat, že nám řešení od Evolia naprosto bezkonkurenčně zjednodušuje pracovní agendu a z hlediska vývoje se během cca 1 roku, co jej užíváme, neuvěřitelně posunul. Za nás určitě pak musíme i kvitovat rychlý a vstřícný přístup podpory.Mgr. Eduard Belšán, advokát
Belšán & Niebauer advokátní kancelář, s. r. o.
Musím říct, že jestli považuji v rámci svého podnikání něco za velmi pozitivní, tak je to vaše Evolio. Měl jsem zlatou ruku, když jsem Vás vybíral. Musím říct, že vaše společnost je jedna z mála, co fakt jen neslibuje, ale hlavně dělá a co slíbí, tak to splní.Mgr. Marek Svojanovský
AK Svojanovský
Evolio používáme pro každodenní práci třetím rokem. Jedná se o efektivní nástroj pro hromadnou správu pohledávek řady klientů, ale i pro práci na individuálních případech. Oceňujeme pružnost systému, rychlou reakci podpory i týmu vývoje, se kterým po celou dobu spolupráce intenzivně vylepšujeme dílčí funkcionality. Významnou součástí Evolia je i doplňkové rozhraní pro zpracování reportů, bez něhož by se naše práce neobešla. Těší nás, že můžeme pracovat s Evoliem, které nám doslova roste před očima a vyvíjí se podle potřeb zákazníků. Mgr. Marek Cinciala, partner
Erudit advokátní kancelář
Job reports simply as from a smart mountain woman
We know that statements are a lawyer’s headache. And that without them, there are no invoices. We have solved it! See, how easy it will be with AI.
GDPR &Security of your data
Evolio handled GDPR with flying colours. Each customer separate secure database, communication is encrypted. Be an advocate in the cloud! Security and Evolio.
Efficient recording and management of receivables
The Holy Grail for specialist law firms. Complete receivables management including payment schedules and bulk imports from creditors. Bulk generation of calls and proposals, bulk emails, SMS, IVRS or tasks for users. Detailed introduction.
Powerful electronic file templates
An information system for lawyers makes previously unthinkable things possible. The templates can add virtually any important data from the attorney’s file to documents – from the client’s initials to the claim. This generates hundreds of documents in one click.
A clear history of the file
Cases sometimes drag on. In the timeline you will see everything you have done and what has happened. Filter your datebooks, notes and documents. Managing the law firm’s agenda is so simple and straightforward.
Effective work management
Lawyer file management is not just a pile of documents that require flawless drafting and reliable archiving. It is also a project that needs to be kept under control. Evolio law firm software sensitively combines both into one functional unit.
Timeline of the file
Easy communication via email and datacards
Relationships of the subjects in the file
Tasks and deadlines
Document management and versioning
Reporting of acts and costs
Effective work management
An lawyer's file is not just a pile of documents that require flawless drafting and reliable archiving. It is also a project that needs to be kept under control. Evolio law firm software sensitively combines both into one functional unit.
Timeline of the file
Easy communication via email and datacards
Relationships of the subjects in the file
Tasks and deadlines
Document management and versioning
Reporting of acts and costs
Make the most of connected lawyer system data
You have everything you need at your disposal. Evolio automatically monitors insolvencies and changes in InfoSoud for you. Or, thanks to the link to the Czech Post, you can send hundreds of registered letters with a delivery slip without going to the post office. The electronic file in practice :)
Integration with InfoSoud provides several possibilities. If a change occurs, you are alerted to it by the task. You can also filter out attorney files where nothing has happened in the proceedings for some time. And directly from the electronic file you have a link to the InfoSoud page in question.
They are integrated into Evolio so that you can work with data messages as easily as with e-mails within the lawyer’s agenda. In the Mail module, each lawyer sets up their own mailbox and determines who has the right to read mail from their mailbox.
Bulk EPR generation uses smart templates to generate EPR batches without user intervention. not only to communicate with the justice servers, but to automate other steps. This will greatly simplify the life of the lawyers who take care of this agenda.
Přihláška do insolvenčního řízení bude vygenerována díky inteligentním šablonám. In normal cases of attorney’s agenda, no user intervention is necessary, however, it is possible to use the mode with additional text editing.
On desktop, tablet and mobile
Need to quickly check a data message, enter an EPR, check a document? Feel free to do this in between meetings or on your way to see a client.
You don't have to install anything, everything works via the web. And 100% secure. A cloud-based filing service is the future, you no longer need to use an installed program. The browser-based advocacy system works on any device.
On desktop, tablet and mobile
Need to quickly check a data message, enter an EPR, check a document? Feel free to do this in between meetings or on your way to see a client.
You don't have to install anything, everything works via the web. And 100% secure.
We're not resting on our laurels,We are constantly developing Evolio for you
We'll keep you up to date with every major innovation through the blog. Increase the efficiency of your law firm. Constantly. We can help you with that!
Webinar: Spring and summer news in Evolu
We will introduce you to the new features and improvements we have prepared for you in the latest versions of our system released…
Webinar: get acquainted with the new agenda Divorce
Find out what new agenda Evolio offers you.