In this groundbreaking version, several significant changes took place, including the involvement artificial intelligence that facilitate management of the legal agenda . The change package traditionally includes those called for by our users, others we have included based on our strategic vision of where to move the standard of law firm work. In any case, everyone will find something new for themselves in this version. And for the first time, he will start working for lawyers (actually for lawyers)
AI – artificial intelligence.
Reporting and invoicing
Revised job assignment
We are trying to improve the functionality for reporting work in the long run. Our goal is simplify reporting as much as possible for each user. Therefore, we decided to redesign not only the user interface, but also to reach into the very principle of writing reported information. In previous versions of Evolio, the statement of work and activities was recorded separately. The newly registered work will be written at the same time as an action in the Activities.
For a better understanding, we recommend trying it right away. Report some work and see what appeared in the Activities and what in the Reporting. You will see that it is actually a matter of straightening out the logic of how the work should be written correctly.
Reporting work without work – unreported activities
The promised artificial intelligence will help where we see the narrowest place. This is reporting work in a law firm. Many lawyers, very capable professionals and intelligent people, have a deep opposition to reporting work. They would rather write a complex document than take a few minutes to write a thesis. The reality is then that law firms leak money for highly professional work . At the same time, each additional reported hour is added to the profit side.
That is why we have been preparing a function in Evolio for a long time, which will make it possible to find out what activity the lawyer did, but forgot to report. Thanks to this functionality, it is enough for the user to work actively in Evolio. Evolio can then use artificial intelligence to estimate what activities and actions should be reported. It is important that this function does not bother the user during work. The list is displayed only after switching to the Work Report unreported activities which can be easily confirmed or rejected.
One of our goals was to system of unreported activities he could also use it so that he could be a lawyer part of the work to be reported, for example, by his assistant. We firmly believe that this feature will help prevent the unnecessary leakage of money that law firms lose. At the same time, we ask our users for a little patience and indulgence – after all, it is a new feature. Only on the basis of practical experience will we continuously improve it. Gradually, machine learning will be involved, which needs real data to improve.
Bank – double the number of banks
We have one more novelty in connection with reporting and invoicing. Evolio’s connection with the outside world is constantly expanding, so we can introduce you to three more internet banking from which you can automatically process incoming payments. It is about Commercial bank , Moneta Money Bank and UniCredit Bank . Setting up internet banking is usually a bit of a hassle, we have prepared relief for you in the form short help for each bank.
Working with mail
We have long been trying to make the Evolio registry office offer functions for teamwork which you will not find in Outlook. We also see great potential in process mail processing , where clarity and the possibility of automation play a big role (our showcase is in this automatic processing of communication within the EPR). In the new version of Evolio, we therefore bring several functions that a modern information system for lawyers should contain.
Tasks in the mail
We’ve redesigned the way mail is allocated and, most importantly, added the ability to enter it for each mail any number of tasks . The use of this feature is really wide. Another great advantage is that the documents contained in the mail are automatically attached to the created task. For example, if you give a colleague a task to study a challenge attached to a date tag, they do not have to look for it in the file.
Mail type settings
A common problem in communication with the courts (and many other entities) is the clear marking of the consignment. The names of data messages and, of course, the subjects of emails are often inaccurately , sometimes downright confusing. That’s why we’ve expanded and improved the mail categorization feature. In the filing room, you can easily set the type for mail (you can fill in the contents of the code list according to your way of working). After assignment, the original subject is reduced in size and a distinctive green inscription is displayed.
Setting up mail types offers even more (it can also generate specific tasks) and yet requires a certain imagination. If you want to use this feature, we will be happy to help you with initial settings.
Sending emails signed with a certificate
One of the most frequently asked questions was whether Evolio could guarantee the origin, authenticity and immutability of the message thanks signing an email with your certificate . Yes, now. You simply assign the certificate to email account and then you can send a signed email.
NOTE: The certificate is set separately for each email account. If you’re sending an email, you’ll know the option to sign with a certificate so that a menu arrow appears to the right of the button. The system is set up so that you do not have to send every e-mail signed (for normal communication, signed e-mails are not very suitable, not every e-mail program can work with them).
More customized emails
We will return to emails. You can enlarge the window itself to fill the entire screen, and a bar has been added at the bottom, thanks to which it can format the text . Would you like to highlight something in bold or italics, underline essential information, and change the layout? It can do everything, and if the adjustment doesn’t work out as you intended, you can always go back a step.
Working with the documents
Labeling of documents
How easy is it to know what document it is and they didn’t have to open it? Simply, label it ! You no longer have to rename documents for a long time to keep track. At two clicks to him you assign a label summary content and you’re done.
You’ll know the benefits of document labeling especially when you need to have it clearly marked the right document. In the lawyer’s files, various versions of documents that arose during communication with customers sometimes “wander”. The following example shows how easy it is to find a document when it has a label:
Fulltext: Search among all documents
Need to find a specific document as soon as possible? When you know a keyword, there’s nothing easier than use search in the top bar of Evolio. From the new version, it can also search among documents in all writings . For your even greater convenience, just click on the document and it will open. In an instant, for example, you can work with any document from the Wall.
NOTE: The full-text search function is only available in the paid version of Evolio. A new user authorization has been created to access searches between all documents.
Other interesting adjustments
Marking of control at the brand
A novelty with brands is the possibility of marking them according to the type of court proceedings . You will always see the type next to the brand as a small blue label. This function is suitable not only for a better overview of the file, but also for printing parameters – you can now specify exactly in the document which mark from the file you want to use.
Contact persons at entities
Until now, it was only possible to add contact details to entities (persons). It is now available as well full-fledged contact person. This is especially useful for corporate clients, where there may be more such people.
New phone call entry
We have improved and simplified the appearance for writing a call to the file. At the same time, we have released the rules and you can now record calls to all entities and files. You never know who you can call.
Better work on mobile
Modern software for lawyers must handle different screen sizes mobile phones and tablets . We extend compatibility in each version and revise different parts. This time we adjusted the top bar to take up less space and be easier to control. We also focused on mail windows and reporting.
For example, you can report work from your iPhone X as follows:
And if we have not fully satisfied your curiosity, you can still take a look at the detailed list of changes in ours documentation .
Jan Tkáč
Ve svém oboru sbírám zkušenosti již přes 20 let a cestou k úspěchu Evolia byla jednoduchá vize: vytvořit užitečný a praktický nástroj pro advokáty. Řídím se mottem, že malé věci pomáhají vytvářet dokonalost, ale dokonalost není malá věc.