We’re pleased to announce a new feature in our job reporting, but to make it easy and simple for you to work with, we’ve made additional adjustments. Let’s take a look at them together now.
One visible change at a glance is the redesign of the top of the Job Report page, where the unnecessary title has disappeared and the buttons have been redesigned to help you find the features you need in the job report. At the same time, when you hover over a reported work, there is no longer just a click through to the file in the top right corner, but also an option to create a copy of that work with one click.
The biggest novelty of the version is the calendar view, which can be switched from the basic (column) view using the cog wheel. In it, the work is decomposed into the time windows in which it was reported. We could go into long paragraphs on what all this view has to offer, we’d rather make a short video 🙂
We believe this way of reporting work will find a place in law firms, and let’s not forget the overall list of changes🙂
Natálie Krausová
Vedoucí marketingu a financí
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