These summer days we are here again with another batch of hot news. We’ve improved a number of features inEvolio , in total there were more than 120 changes. And let’s start by saying that we switched to a higher version of Angular (the technology in which the individual pages of Evolio are created) and replaced some components to achieve higher performance and better comfort for each user.

If you don’t have time to read the whole article, here are the most important adjustments:

  • Flat rates per client they are already available and can be found as a new tab in the Billing Manager
  • Outgoing payments You can now enter receivables in finance
  • New bookmark Deposits allows the registration of deposits, including deposits and withdrawals. Attention, it must be switched on in the file, it is an optional tab (plus symbol).
  • Notification the user can set on their profile. You can turn on email notifications for working with tasks and assigned mail.

For greater clarity, we have divided the adjustments into several areas:

We played with reporting and invoicing

We, in turn, move the possibility of reporting to law firms one level further.

Finally a flat rate for the client

We bring order and overview to the packages. We have a new one in the Billing Manager Flat rate tab . It shows all the packages you have in Evolio and details about them. But more importantly, you can create here flat rate per client . Fill in a few necessary details and create a flat rate.

We have also simplified their invoicing for flat rates. For a flat rate, you can directly generate an invoice and send it immediately by email. And good news in conclusion: for the next version we are preparing the function of automatic generation and distribution of flat-rate invoices.

Creating a flat rate


Flat rate again and again

When reporting work on the basis of Decree No. 177/1996 Coll., You are entitled to remuneration, among other things, in the form of an overhead lump sum for the acts performed. The report in the top bar now contains Overhead flat rate field , which automatically amounts to CZK 300 according to valid legislation. If you report via My statement of work, action or unreported activity, the lump sum will also be added to them, just not visible.

Work report


Billing from the file effectively

We have unified the creation of accounts in Evolio. So wherever you create a bill, it will have a nice modern form and the same features you’re used to from the Bill Manager.

Billing from the file


Payment of the invoice

We’ve added it to your invoices panel for recording payments . It clearly displays all incoming payments and their type. If you have a connection with a bank, payments will be created automatically. If you have to enter the payment manually, the amount of the entire invoice or its balance will be automatically transferred to the new payment. You no longer have to remember the amounts from various invoices, Evolio will complete them for you!

Invoice payment



How we improved the Registry

We see the connection of Evolio with emails, hybrid mail and date tags as a key function. That is why we try to bring improvements in the Registry Office in each version.

No more unnecessary download of delivery notes

Hybrid mail is used by an increasing percentage of our users. When you go, you will try how convenient it is to send a classic letter with one click, so you no longer want to go to the post office.

After sending the letters by hybrid mail, Evolio automatically downloads the delivery notes. In the new version, we have simplified the work with them. Now you have in the menu at the post office button Save the ticket for the case , which moves the delivery note from the post office among the other documents in the case.


Change the status of a case straight from the mail

Incoming mail can affect a lot of things, even the state of the file since you received the mail. Therefore, you have the option to assigning mail to a file to change its state and thus react flexibly to the current development of the case.


Folders, folders, folders …

As the name suggests, we’ve taken a big step forward in working with email account folders. But first, the warning that we don’t show the folder structure from your Outlook in Evolio yet. Thanks to the last modification, we can already read mail from them.

We bring three gadgets for people with refined sorting habits. If you sort your mail in your Outlook into folders according to clients and files, or archive it, then the new functions are just for you:

Folder synchronization, including subfolders – this function allows you to download mail from a branched folder structure (the option Download mail only from the selected folder must be active in the settings).

Mark the folder with the file number – If you add the file number in square brackets to the folder name, e.g.[21/2020] , so when downloading mail, Evolio can download the email from the folder marked in this way directly to the given case.

Archive synchronization – on the last Other tab you will find an option for synchronizing archived mail, which works in both directions.

Download the folder to Evolio



Receivables management news

We have not forgotten about those of you who are interested in effective receivables management.

Records of outgoing payments

In this version, we are active in adding new bookmarks, and not otherwise in this case. You have in Finance from now on the Outgoing Payments tab . In it, you can record, for example, how much the court fee cost, payment to the creditor or, for example, the fee paid for legal representation.

Outgoing payment entry


The number of executions is clear

The result of lustration in the Central Register of Executions is also recorded as an act. Now we will also write down the total number of executions that the given subject has in the created act. During the retrospective check, you can immediately see how the debtor is. This data can then be used for various reports in the Power Reporting module, or for automatic change of file status.


Monitoring via InfoDocument

As part of the automated EPR process, Evolio can obtain from incoming data the data needed for pairing with InfoDokument. Occasionally, Evolio may not be able to obtain data so easily. That’s why we added possibility of manual pairing, that is, pasting the ID of the document that you copy, for example, from e-mail.

Connection to InfoDocument



News in the file

Other useful functions have also been added to the files, we will look at the most interesting ones together.

Deposits are here

You can add a new Deposit tab in the file. In it you have at your disposal clear records of deposits selected electronic file. With the deposit, you can write down all important data such as the amount of the deposit, its purpose, the account to which the deposit is deposited, the conditions for releasing the deposit, as well as all deposits and withdrawals of money. Evolio also automatically checks which accounts are used in active deposits and does not allow them to be used more than once.

Deposit registration


Extended information about documents

You can now include the so-called metadata. They are essential properties of documents that you have at your disposal without having to open and find this document every time. You add metadata through a three-dot menu, where it is the last item in the menu. You can record information about the date of creation of the document, the date of enforceability, the court, etc.

This feature, together with labeling, brings Evolio closer to a professional DMS (document management system). The use of metadata is wide, a typical example is the designation of a document as an execution title and the completion of its metadata. These data can then be copied into the execution proposal.

Add metadata


Convert files as needed

We have expanded the file transfer options for all products. Would you like to turn a receivable into a loan, from a general agenda a law file or from a business case a receivable? That’s no problem at all! Just open the case settings, where you will find a button in the bottom bar Convert file . You choose the product, type and condition and you’re done. No complicated maneuvers.

Product type change



We do everything for more efficient work

We’ve also made less noticeable adjustments, but overall, they can make work more enjoyable for users and save you a minute every day.

Better orientation in tasks

We’ve redesigned the user’s to-do list on the bulletin board. Tasks now make better use of space on line a the display of the file has been added to which the task applies.

New look for tasks


New user profile with new options

You may have noticed that we are gradually changing the appearance of parts of Evolio to suit the latest trends. Now it was his turn user profile . Now you can easily change the photo of your avatar in it. The profile also got a new design and we divided it into three tabs, so that we do not create a long “shopping” list.


You will find an interesting novelty in the middle Notifications / Notifications tab . Here you can choose if you want receive notifications to your email for each of the four selected areas.

For everyday Evolio users, the second notification is especially suitable. Completion of the monitored task: If you have assigned a task to someone and they have completed it, you will receive a notification in the email.

Other notifications are more useful for occasional Evolio users who find out so quickly that they have been assigned a mail or task. (Everyday users see this all the time on their bulletin board.)

Notification settings


Move the windows where you want

For all windows that Evolio opens during your work, there is now a window grip icon at the top. So you can change position windows and reveal data hidden under the window. It may seem like a trifle, but in practical use it saves the user time (and nerves). From now on, just move the window, look at what you are looking for and you’re done!

Move the window



And where are the properties?

The properties are currently in beta. We wanted to introduce them directly with the function of monitoring the condition of the property in the cadastre. We will try to finish everything during August (the date is a bit threatened by the holidays).


This version ofEvolio was a really hearty bite for us, but it was worth it! We have brought you changes and improvements in all parts, so there is no user who would not feel them, but we know that they are beneficial and move you and us further. If you are interested, you will find it in our documentation list of all changes . So I’ll see you again with more news!