System changes
A total of 33 changes were made to the lawyers’ software , the main ones being the following:
- Lawyer file – the list of tasks in the file tab now contains all tasks, ie not only active tasks.
- Compulsory liability – newly added Add button. Enabling contacting the client.
- Registry – With the responsive version, when you select a Registry in the menu, it will now not find the mail detail directly, but the registry menu.
- Main menu – panel in responsive view, with a list of settings is hidden as in the normal version
- Settings Roles – Modifications and bug fixes have been made to the rights assigned to the user.
- Server error – when the server reports an error, it is possible to correct the added Continue working button. The button leads to the last page, before the error is displayed.
- Subjects – added the option to enter in the subject ČAK, in the form of editing the subject.
- Wombat – renamed module from Wombat to Autodialer.
- Data messages – data messages are displayed both in the event and in the form.
- Finance – added a dynamic field allowing you to add a new item to finances.
Natálie Krausová
Vedoucí marketingu a financí
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