Upcoming changes
64 changes were made throughout this Release Evolia law software to improve its functions. Major changes include the following.
Call center – the side panel was hidden
Data message – improvement of file mark and reference number implementation
Documents – when downloading emails, they are no longer stored among the documents in the file. They are now downloaded in the same way as data messages.
Emails – now it is possible to download an email in MSG (message) format.
- added option to choose SSL security type in email account settings
- created forms for configuration of printing parameters of documents.
Noticeboard – More accurate task information is now displayed in the Current Tasks panel header
- the name and surname of the contact person is copied to the post office when it is established
- instead of displaying the number of all mail, the number of unread mail is now displayed.
Last open receivables / files – the display has changed. The nickname “Active” has been deleted and replaced by “My files / My receivables” and “All files / All receivables”.
Subjects – the Contact person field for a natural person has been deleted. The contact person is for a legal entity only.
Tasks – modification of the work report bar, for easier manipulation
Work / Cost Statement – Added a whisperer to the Activity Description field to suggest the names of costs and jobs
Natálie Krausová
Vedoucí marketingu a financí
S chutí posouvám věci kupředu. Pro Evolio pracuji více jak 4 roky a věnuji se široké škále činností. Jsem milá a trpělivá, dokud se neblíží deadliny, pak jsem k nepoznání.