Modifications to the functionality of Evolio
In this issue Evolio attention was paid primarily to optimization for ordinary users. These are small details in the control and errors found, which we adjusted according to your comments. There have, of course, been a few improvements.
- We reworked the editing of activity types. You can now open the code list directly from the work report detail and edit it as needed. This list should include the most common activities. When writing a job, the user is offered items from the code list, but it is possible to enter any text.
- In settings Dials in the Reporting section, it was divided into separate ones Reporting: Type of activity and Reporting: Type of cash expenditure for easier editing of these items
- Furthermore, several adjustments were made in the settings for the unification of code lists, e.g. at Editing task priority
Attorney’s files, Receivables
- The management of the legal file has undergone several improvements. In the list of attorney’s files, we have improved the display of the number of files. If you apply a filter, you can see how many files have been filtered from how many:
- When creating a law file, you wanted to be able to enter your own file number even where the automatic number series is set. In addition, we allowed this editing of the file at any time during its life cycle.
- When selecting recipients for emails, not only the name but also the email itself is now displayed in parentheses
Filing room
- Good news for everyone who has a lot of mail in Evolio. The registry office now retrieves the details of individual messages significantly faster.
And here are other adjustments, optimizations and fixes. If you have any questions about the functionalities, you can contact our documentation where everything is explained.
Lawyer writings
- Inactive data boxes, emails and hybrid mail are no longer displayed in the files as a possible sender
- Print parameters could not be generated in the document headers
- When creating an email from events, the signature from the settings in the profile will be filled in correctly
- Tasks associated with Infosudem were generated on the original person with the status Handles even after changing users
- When creating a statement, the name of the operation to which it is linked is displayed for individual items
- After deactivating the mail account, the subsequent opening of the detail of the sent event does not display an error about the non-existence of the sender’s account
- Sorting on the case timeline now shows the correct date of activities even after they have changed
- Could not delete files on the card Documents , assigned to incoming mail despite the user’s consent
- The Variable Symbol was not stored in the receivables data
- Some print parameters for cycles did not work due to parameter substitution with asterisks
- Fixed unwanted automatic sending of data messages, now active only if it is checked in the settings Automatic sending
- During the creation of the data box, it was not possible to set limited access to this box and test the login data
- For user roles, e.g. Create and modify case documents , Allow to edit closed file and Create or edit events fixed the ability to work in areas to which the user should not have access
- An error occurred while saving the new action name
- When entering a new name for a duplicate document, Evolio displayed a nonsensical warning
- Removed the notification of an inactive mail account owner, even if the owner has active status
- In the codebook section, the button has been removed for some forms Impose , due to redundancy
- Added missing translation in email settings field SSL security type
- Fixed entering new items in the group “ Costs “
Filing room
- Resolved hybrid mail issue. Sent by registered mail, was delivered with delivery, and vice versa, the one sent with delivery, was delivered by registered mail
- The data message detail did not display complete delivery status information
- Fixed label editing functionality for the subject
- Misinterpretation of error 400 has been resolved by displaying the message, so far Evolio has only stopped responding
Natálie Krausová
Vedoucí marketingu a financí
S chutí posouvám věci kupředu. Pro Evolio pracuji více jak 4 roky a věnuji se široké škále činností. Jsem milá a trpělivá, dokud se neblíží deadliny, pak jsem k nepoznání.