In the latest version of Evolio we not only bring a lot of news, but we have also focused on improving existing features. A detailed list of changes can be found in Documentation.

The news package covers several key features that our users have been calling for. This mainly concerns job reporting, follow-up invoicing and automatic matching with the bank. The heart of our users also definitely beats over the new possibilities of working with the insolvency register and also a completely new possibility to set the rights to individual files.

Work report

Users get a new tool to help them report work. The main goal was to clearly display the hours worked. By using a weekly calendar-style view, users get a visual overview of how much work they have reported on each day and can also easily add additional work to them. Check the correctness of the report, edit individual items or add new work in one place. See how to report a job.

Filing room

Several adjustments were made in the Registry Office:

  • More detailed settings of rights for sending data messages
  • A new top bar has been added, where the buttons for creating new mail have been moved, but mainly the Receive and Send button (formerly Bulk Operations).
  • Also very useful is the new notification about unsent messages, which appears next to Next to these buttons.

Invoicing and payments

In previous versions, we focused on the possibilities of job reporting and clear billing. Now the circle closes and a module for working with invoices and payments comes. Finally, you can issue invoices in the file and also record payments. New Payments and Invoices tabs have been added to the Reporting section. This time, our team of programmers really had a good time, so there is also a pairing of payments, including a clear view of how much of the invoice remains to be paid. We will deal with this part in a separate article.

Automatic pairing with the bank

The big news of this version information system for law firms is pairing Evolia with a bank. All you have to do is set up a payment notification in your internet banking and incoming payments will start to appear in Evolio. An invoice is automatically retrieved for each payment with a variable symbol. A new Bank tab has been added to the menu, where you can check incoming salaries and manually match those that were not found according to the VS. Of course, you can set the rights for this section.


Authorization for files

And one more major innovation – you can set access rights for each electronic file. The file can be locked and employees can be identified who can view and work with it. There are still Responsible and Handled roles in the file that have proved their worth. PS: If you play with this feature, be careful not to take access for yourself. From that moment on, you will not be able to access the file, even if you have the role of administrator. It should never happen that you remove everyone from the file.


Insolvency register – matching by date of birth and more detailed settings

The integration of the insolvency register with Evolio has also undergone interesting improvements. Our users most missed the pairing of the insolvency register by date of birth. This is less accurate than a birth number, but in the real world a birth number may not always be available. To give users a better overview and avoid fatal confusion, the insolvency brand appears a little differently. You have the option of canceling the incorrect pairing.


You can find the new settings for the Insolvency Register in the Settings -> Integration. Choose who and at what events should be notified of the declaration of insolvency and its changes.