The new version 2023.2 contains a number of useful changes. Here’s a quick overview of their most interesting ones:
- Mail module
- Redesigned datasheet settings with better rights settings
- Global folders for datagrams
- Notification of unsent messages
- Emails – Download (Sync) sent mail
- Emails – loading and viewing folders
- Price lists
- Item packages – faster job entry
- Possibility to set discounts
- Navigator – a completely new way of working with file lists
- Lustration detail CEE – lustration extension with a click on lustration detail
- User Productivity – view detailed reporting statistics to users
Mail – Data boxes
Redesigned settings for data mailboxes
In this version, we bring a completely redesigned data mailbox settings. We’ve incorporated a large pile of requests from our clients while redesigning the user interface. The result is a clearer setup with expanded rights settings for both users and entire teams.
We introduced this functionality in our webinar:
Global components
The ability to sort data messages into folders has been available in Evol for some time. Newly added are the so-called. global components. These are common to all data boxes.
With global folders, you don’t have to create folders for individual mailboxes and you can see everything clearly in the All Data Messages section. A systematic division of mail into folders will help to make processing clearer. You can learn more about these components in the webinar above.
TIP: You can tell a global folder by the bar in the folder icon.
Notification of unsent messages
The new permissions setting allows users to choose who sends the data message immediately and who gets added to the To Send folder. A senior attorney is responsible for their work, but with a paralegal you need to check the content of the message before sending it.
To prevent you from overlooking messages to be sent, the Mail module displays an alert in the form of a yellow bar. As well as data messages, it can also display emails that have not been sent for various reasons. You have more control over the flow of information.
Mail – emails
Email inbox with folders
It’s here! You can now connect your email inbox to Evolia with all the folders you see fit. And add to that the actual components of the work in Evol.
The feature is available in the email settings, where the Folders section has been added:
Click on the blue link with the number of folders to open a window for selecting them:
IMPORTANT: Pay attention to the following settings.
- You can also download emails with folders. So you’ll see in Evolio what you see in your Outlook.
- There is a second option – you can pull the contents of the selected folders into your Inbox. In this case, folders will not be created.
Downloading outgoing mail sent outside Evolio
We managed to implement another wish of our users – automatic retrieval of outgoing mail. In real life, it happens that you send an email to a client, for example, from your mobile phone. These emails can additionally be imported into Evolio directly from Outlook, but the disadvantage is that the user has to think about it.
The new feature allows you to download sent emails to Evolia automatically. If possible, Evolio pairs this mail directly to the files. To use this feature, you must enable it in your email settings:
In Mail, just navigate to the folder of the email, click on the three dots and select Settings.
Then in the Sync section, click Download outgoing mail (sent outside Evolio).
Emails – downloading old emails
If you add your mailbox to Evolia, you have the option to reimport your old mail.
Just switch to the Incoming Mail Server tab and click the Download older emails button.
In the detail that opens, select the number of days backwards. However, ATTENTION! Downloaded emails can take up a lot of space, so they’ll take a bite out of your database size limit.
Price lists
Some clients are athletes by nature and they want to fight you for a discount or at least a discount at any cost. Mostly they need to see it on the bill.
We have extended our price lists for this type of clients by adding a checkbox for Discount:
After activating this field, the Discount and Price after discount columns will be displayed in the tables.
PLEASE NOTE: The discount cannot be added to the base rate. If you want to apply it, you need to enable the Hourly rate by job type (or role) option and set the discount there.
Default work types
This setting allows you to make specialized price lists. If you create a price list for debt, tax or real estate services, you can mark this type of work as your default. This will allow the selected work type to be associated with this price list when reporting work on file. It will then look better and more logical on the client’s bill.
Packages of items
A new feature that expands the possibilities for fast and efficient reporting. In legal practice, a series of steps is often routinely taken and then reported. For example, work in connection with real estate files and attorney’s offices or in the area of patent law.
PLEASE NOTE: Package selection in the file will be enabled in the next update. For now, packages can only be defined.
Packages allow you to group several reports with their usual times and costs. The magic of the packages is that there are no amounts. These are only added when reporting to the file – only at that point does the file price list take over and add the amounts. The great advantage of the packers is therefore price flexibility. The user can adjust the preset times for a given file according to reality.
After splitting the package, you will see a list of the items it consists of:
Navigator is a new concept in working with files. Allows users to view files in different folders. Its advantage is the possibility to adapt to the customs and needs of law firms. Individual components and sections can be defined.
An important part of the navigator is the redesigned filtering. It is now clearer and allows more data selection options.
A new option is to display a list of reports that the user can click through from the Navigator. This greatly simplifies the orientation of users – they can have the most important reports for their work “at hand”.
There is much more to the Navigator. You can create different views (navigators), e.g. for trainees or colleagues specialising in a particular part of the law. You can already ask technical support to turn on Navigator. We will soon introduce the first standardized views and other options in a video.
Detail lustration CEE
The extract from the Central Register of Executions is now available not only as a list – you can click through to its details.
WARNING: Each click on a detail is charged as an additional listing (as on the official CEE portal).
After clicking, the listing detail will be displayed:
User productivity
Finally, we’ve kept an interesting feature that you can use to increase productivity and motivate your colleagues in the office. So far, only the management of the office has had access to detailed reporting statistics. Now selected users can access their personal statistics. They can see an overview of their productivity not only in hours but also in money. This is particularly suitable for law firms where lawyers are paid on the basis of billed work.
The first step is to set up which users can see your report. The summary includes complete financial information – the office management may not want to provide this information to everyone. The settings are available in the section Settings for experienced users -> User roles:
The user can access an overview of their productivity from two places. The first is the Bulletin Board:
The second option is the job report window, where a button has been added:
From this point on, the user gets to their productivity overview:
That’s all for today! A detailed list of changes can be found here
Jan Tkáč
Ve svém oboru sbírám zkušenosti již přes 20 let a cestou k úspěchu Evolia byla jednoduchá vize: vytvořit užitečný a praktický nástroj pro advokáty. Řídím se mottem, že malé věci pomáhají vytvářet dokonalost, ale dokonalost není malá věc.