In the new version of the legal software, we focused on how to make your work with Evolio even more pleasant. Not only are you familiar with the new statement, but you will also quickly find the file you need.
What’s new?
- We’ve improved the listing of all files by dividing them into Recently Opened, My Files, and All Files.
- We’ve added file filtering by various criteria.
What is it for?
Return to the pending case from Recently Opened Files, or view the cases you are handling in the My Files tab. But you don’t have to use just this sorting. You can use filtering to manage files by case type or by the client listed in the file.
In case of doubt, use the Documentation .
Natálie Krausová
Vedoucí marketingu a financí
S chutí posouvám věci kupředu. Pro Evolio pracuji více jak 4 roky a věnuji se široké škále činností. Jsem milá a trpělivá, dokud se neblíží deadliny, pak jsem k nepoznání.