Whether you’ve been working with Evolio for a short time or longer, it’s best to get it in order once in a while. Spring is slowly coming to an end, maybe now is the time!
In four steps, we give you tips on what to look for and how best to deal with the mess.
- Back up your documents
- Check your licence
- Deactivate employees who no longer work at Evolio
- Check permissions for users
Back up your documents
In the first step, we will focus on document backup. Documents are, in our experience, the biggest culprit of data overload! They are commonly uploaded to files, but can also be an attachment in an email. Evolio backs up data and documents multiple times (in the Netherlands and Germany), so there is no immediate risk of data loss.
Evolio is a proponent of the so-called. “free data” so that you can easily download a complete backup of documents from all files. You can access the backup via Advanced Settings -> Licenses and Billing. You should do this at least once a year and preferably store the data on a flash drive somewhere safe and secure!
Read more in Licensing and invoicing.
4 parameters, checking the Evolio license is easy!
On the Licensing and Billing Settings page that we pointed you to above, we recommend checking if you have too many users and how much free data storage you have left. In the Basic parameters you can see the maximum limits of Number of users, Number of trainees, Data volume, Number of claims and their current status.
- Blue means you are below or at the limit
- Orange indicates over the limit!
When you exceed your license, you have 2 options – sort and reduce your data or upgrade to a higher license plan to get more space and benefits!
Do you have excess data?
If you find excess data, check your documents first. To find out the size of the documents contained in the file, you need to switch to List view.
If they are not important, you can simply delete them. Keep in mind, however, that the documents in the emails and the files are linked together by links. This means that if you delete an email with a document, the document will be deleted from the file!
What about users who are no longer working?
You may have users who no longer use Evolio. Let’s move back to Settings -> Users, where you can make changes. Users who are no longer active can simply be Deactivated or removed completely. You don’t have to worry about losing valuable data, Evolio automatically transfers it to a user of your choice. We guide you through the detailed procedure in the article Users and teams in our documentation.
Keep track of where you let your users go
Permissions is also an area that is good to check and update from time to time. The permissions section can be accessed via Advanced Settings -> User Roles. In the table, you can go through all the entries and check that the employees with the assigned user role have only the rights they should have checked.
Let’s take a look at the most interesting ones you may not have heard of:
Permissions to access individual menu items
User access rights limit the visibility of individual items in the left menu – My Work, Agenda and Evolia Administration. One of the most important permissions is that to access Settings. Keep in mind that a user who has access to Settings can make unauthorized interventions!
Restrictions on access to files
You can also restrict user access to files in the user role settings. This setting is useful if the user is not supposed to have access to all files, but only to the ones you specify. Such a user can only see files where he is listed as Handling, Responsible or you give him access. Read more about Access to File.
Viewing the reporting tab in my files
The last thing worth mentioning is the right to display the reporting tab. It is important to say that these rights are two:
- View the Reporting tab in all files
- View the Reporting tab in my files
For the first option, users can view Reporting in all files that are not locked for them. However, if only the View tab in my files right is enabled, users will only see it in files where they are the Handler or Responder. Other users will not see the tab even if they have access to the file.
For more details and additional permissions, we’ve listed several articles on user rights in our documentation.
Spring cleaning is successfully over. Remember that users and data will keep coming, so save the article somewhere so you know how to deal with them successfully in the future 🙂
Natalie Sýkorová
Marketingový specialista
Aktuálně jsem studentkou marketingu, která aktivně sbírá zkušenosti z praxe. V Evoliu se přes 2 roky podílím na vytváření smysluplného obsahu a předávání informací našim uživatelům.