Webinar took place on Thursday 27.5. at 15:30
At this webinar, we introduced you to a little mysterious automation module . This is included in premium packages licenses of Evolio , but it definitely makes sense to look at automation options, even if you don’t have such a license yet.
You can use automation for:
Monitoring of the unfinished tasks
When working with legal custody / deposits
Process control in the file
Receivables agenda automation
Automation of debtor reminders and repayment calendars
During 40 minutes we have shown how the automation module can be applied in the area of receivables and in proceedings law firms and we answered yourquestions !
Jan Tkáč
Ve svém oboru sbírám zkušenosti již přes 20 let a cestou k úspěchu Evolia byla jednoduchá vize: vytvořit užitečný a praktický nástroj pro advokáty. Řídím se mottem, že malé věci pomáhají vytvářet dokonalost, ale dokonalost není malá věc.