Webinar took place on Thursday 27.4. at 15:30
It’s time for the spring webinar!
Watch the recording of the webinar designed not only for experienced users, but also for those who would like to explore the advanced features and innovations of the task system.
What to expect:
- recapitulation of basic and advanced features of Evolio for working with tasks,
- introduction of the latest news,
- guidance on how to effectively automate tasks to increase productivity,
- tips and tricks to help you get the most out of Evolio and make your work more efficient.
The aim of the webinar is to highlight features of tasks that you may have overlooked during your early days with Evoliem, and show how they can improve your work and make your office more efficient.
In 50 minutes, we’ve gone over everything you need to know about the tasks.
Natálie Krausová
Vedoucí marketingu a financí
S chutí posouvám věci kupředu. Pro Evolio pracuji více jak 4 roky a věnuji se široké škále činností. Jsem milá a trpělivá, dokud se neblíží deadliny, pak jsem k nepoznání.