Webinar took place on Thursday 30.3. at 15:30
We have presented you news and tips for work with receivables and answered your questions about the topic.
In webinar we covered:
- process of working with receivables
- finance
- pre-suit notice
- electronic payment order
- filing for insolvency with transmission to the executor
The webinar is designed for those who are just starting out with accounts receivable or only work with them marginally. If you want a reminder or a refresher on this topic, do not hesitate to look back as well.
Natálie Krausová
Vedoucí marketingu a financí
S chutí posouvám věci kupředu. Pro Evolio pracuji více jak 4 roky a věnuji se široké škále činností. Jsem milá a trpělivá, dokud se neblíží deadliny, pak jsem k nepoznání.