December brings a rich gift to law firms and other Evolio users. Two versions will be released in quick succession. The first version contains only one change, but it is absolutely essential. This is an announced increase in security – the transition to the new OAuth 2.0 standard and related changes in the Evolio kernel. Users will know this most by the change in login.

A brief recap for those who do not have time to read the whole article:

  • Evolio 21.0 is released this and next week with new security features
  • The login screen changes
  • Login details do not change, just remember the password 🙂

Old-new login

Logging in to Evolio will take you to a brand new login page. The login details do not change, you do not lose access to Evolio or the data in it.

Thanks to the OAUTH 2.0 standard, the new login page allows you to log in using accounts from Google and Microsoft. This can have a number of security benefits for law firms. The main ones are the high security investments that both Microsoft and Google make. You can use not only options two-phase security , but also the various security settings it offers.

Evolio-login-tabletWhat about adding my colleagues?

There is no need to change anything for existing users. We have improved the process of creating a new user to meet the requirements of modern advocacy software. Instead of creating a complete user account, you just fill in the basic information about the colleague and send him an e-mail invitation with access to Evolio. The invitation will prompt you to activate your account and join your team. When activating, he can choose the method of logging in to your online law firm.

Invitation for software for law firms Evolio

And what if your invitation doesn’t come in the email?

In the “Users” section, you can send the invitation again with one click, or you can copy the link to complete the account activation to the clipboard and use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + V, send the URL link e.g. to email or any other chat.

Invitation to the system for lawyers

I don’t remember my password anymore …

If you forget the password for your Evolio account, nothing happens. In this case, there is a button “Forgot your password?” Next to the login form, after which you will only fill in your e-mail, to which we will send instructions on how to reset the password.


The transition to the new security is a very complex thing that we have been working on last 5 months . Our colleagues make every effort to make the transition go smoothly. It may happen that some partial functions of Evolio will be in the short term inoperative. If you notice anything like this, please let us know as soon as possible.


These are the most important changes you may encounter these days. We are preparing another version from Santa Claus with new features until Christmas. Stay with us!