Thanks for the connection Evolio with an insolvency register, you always know if an entity is insolvent. However, it is also important to have an overview of the origin or change in the state of insolvency proceedings. Therefore, we will notify you at each such event.

Insolvency register

Set your alert first

In the settings in the integration section you will find ISIR – Insolvency Register. In it, choose who should be notified of the change in management. You can select the user who handles or is responsible for the file, or you can directly designate a person or group of people who will be notified of any insolvency. The next step is to decide which events you want to be informed about. Once you have the insolvency set up according to your ideas, just press activate.

Software for law firms Evolio

How do I know that there has been a change in insolvency?

Notification is done using a task. When changing, a task similar to the image below will be created.

the task of changing the state of insolvency

For more information on linking law software with the insolvency register, visit our documentation .