From 1.11.2020 it starts to apply for Evolio’s brand new price list. We are changing the original offer of 3 types of licenses to the current 6 new types. The change is fundamental, we are leaving the licensing mode per user. And we immediately add that for owners of existing licenses, the transition to new types of licenses is voluntary .
What makes the new licenses different and more advantageous?
The new licensing model seeks to find a fair price for our customers while taking into account their needs. It was created based on the requirements and experience of the last two years.
License = package
The license now consists of a package that contains a given number of users and trainees, a set amount of data, and a set of features. Each customer can choose a package that matches the size of their team and their needs. The good news is that the price per user is significantly reduced as a result, because the package is immediately included volume license discount .
We have divided the licenses into two groups . The first is for independent lawyers and smaller law firms, while the second category is licenses for larger lawyers and demanding clients.
1. Packages for independent lawyers and smaller offices
We offer licenses for beginning lawyers and smaller law firms FREE, SINGLE and TEAM . They contain all the essential functions for full-fledged work with electronic files, complete billing and invoicing. Even the FREE version is not fooled by interesting features such as integration into the Insolvency Register, InfoSoud and more.
- max. 3 uživatelé
- max. 5 GB
- 100 spisů
- 20 pohledávek
pro samostatné advokáty
- 1 uživatel
- 50 GB
- ∞ advokátních spisů
- 50 pohledávek
- Párování plateb s bankou
- Autorizovaná konverze
- Hlídání změn v Obchodním rejstříku
- Hlídání řízení na Katastru nemovitostí
- Více druhů sestav s vyúčtováním
růstu vaší kanceláře
- 3 uživatelé
+ 1 praktikant - 150 GB
- ∞ advokátních spisů
- 200 pohledávek
- Párování plateb s bankou
- Autorizovaná konverze
- Hlídání změn v Obchodním rejstříku
- Hlídání řízení na Katastru nemovitostí
- Více druhů sestav s vyúčtováním
- Manažerský přehled vykázané práce
- CRM modul
- EPR generování příkazů
- Generování přihlášky do insolvence
- Integrace na další systémy
Be as effective as TEAM
For a smaller or beginning law firm, the TEAM tariff is a great solution. This tariff is up for 3 users and 1 trainee , which has access to Evolio for free! You don’t have to worry about giving you little space with storage 150 GB you can store as many documents as you want. You can get lost in so many documents, so you have a full-text search on your license, which can find what you are looking for, not only in the title, but directly in the entire text of the document. The license contains capacity for 200 receivables including EPR generator.
2. Packages with premium features for demanding clients and large offices
Larger offices, debt management companies and demanding clients can choose from a group of three license packages PLUS, PREMIUM and ELITE . These include a wide range of advanced features, including tools to increase productivity, teamwork, and control over reporting. They expand the possibilities of the module for effective receivables management, including the complete EPR process. Great potential includes bulk functions, data importer, API and Evolio Power Reporting module. Does it seem small to you? Thus comes automation, which can do a certain job on its own according to a predetermined scenario .
- 5 uživatelů
+ 2 praktikanti - 250 GB
- 1 000 pohledávek
- Automatizace 5/500
- Modul Power Reporting
pro samostatné advokáty
- 10 uživatelů
+ 4 praktikanti - 500 GB
- 10 000 pohledávek
- Automatizace 20/1000
- Modul Power Reporting
- API přístup
růstu vaší kanceláře
- 20 uživatelů
+ 8 praktikantů - 1 000 GB
- 20 000 pohledávek
- Automatizace ∞/5 000
- Modul Power Reporting
- API přístup
- Hybridní cloud
- Status VIP
Are you ready to be PREMIUM?
We can highly recommend! You can use the PREMIUM license up to 10 people and 4 trainees who are sure to be happy to get involved. It includes 500 GB of data, and if you have maximum security requirements, we can arrange a hybrid cloud for your data. License includes up to 10,000 receivables with all the premium features.
Minor change in business conditions
In connection with the new license names, there was little interference with the terms and conditions. The original names have been removed and replaced by more general wording.
What else to add …
Our revolution in licensing allows you to take advantage of a comprehensive package of services for managing the law firm’s agenda that will exactly suit your needs. Whether it is a small or large office, with an expanded number of licenses, Evolio adapts to everyone. If you are interested in more information, we have prepared detailed comparison of individual licenses . And one frequently asked question in conclusion, for those who already make full use of Evolio:
When I use a license according to the old price list, do I have to switch to another one from the new price list?
No, we do not force anyone to change the license, you can use an older license with all its functions.
Natálie Krausová
Vedoucí marketingu a financí
S chutí posouvám věci kupředu. Pro Evolio pracuji více jak 4 roky a věnuji se široké škále činností. Jsem milá a trpělivá, dokud se neblíží deadliny, pak jsem k nepoznání.